Uplifting Design
for Better Profit

Creating places where people want to be
Interiors have become a key marketing tool for property investors who want to attract guests, tenants and potential buyers.
To stand out amongst a rising competition, properties not only have to look good, but also feel good! This is how they can become the place where people want to be and convert into a higher return on investment!
As a Property Stylist and a colour lover, I work from the heart to design interiors that holds comfort and joy at their very centre. I also create them in a simplistic and creative way so it can benefit a broad range of clients in the property market.
Why not use a ready made solution?
We developed 7 inspiring interiors specifically for Serviced Accommodation. Using the paint references, wall design ideas and furnishing suggestions, you can tackle your project with confidence and clarity.
Colour is Light
Light is Energy
Energy is Emotion
Think we could help!
We offer different type of services to meet your needs from creative recommendation to tackle projects to shopping list ready to use. Always happy to discuss how we can help
Need inspiration?

In partnership with LNPG
With over two and a half million private landlords in the UK, why rely only on your individual buying power?
As the largest buying group for private landlords in the UK, LNPG have combined the power of over 5,000 landlords to negotiate fantastic prices with major national suppliers through the power of contract pricing.